Wednesday, May 22, 2013

10 Reasons to NOT listen to your music with music majors

As you may know, I recently completed my Bachelor's of Music Education, about which I am very excited. I feel, though, that spending the past years slaving away in an academic field which most people view as recreation has given me a somewhat skewed view of my role as a music listener (although my professors would have me believe that my studies have done just the opposite- straightened out my base, crooked views).

So this post is part explanation, part apology, part soapbox, part experience, and many parts opinion.
Disclaimer: I knock on the digital medium a lot in this post; understand, these are not my feelings, but the supposed opinions of colleagues.

Here's a list of 10 reasons why you may find it infuriating to try to listen to music with a friend who has studied music:

1. If you ask us to listen closely to a song, all we'll hear is the boring harmonic structure.

Virtually all pop music is made up of four chords: I, IV, V, and VI. If you've ever seen the Axis of Awesome's 4 Chord Song, you'll understand how repetitive and over-used these chords are. Sure, you can create some really great music inside this structure, but with a whole world of musical possibilities, why limit yourself?

2. All post-recording digital manipulation is sin (and we think we can hear it)

Ask one of my colleagues about why Glee is no good and they'll go on and on about the decline of vocal technique and producers scrubbing singers' tracks clean until they are little more than a synthesized voice. Sure, our technology allows us to auto-tune singers, but that doesn't make it any more ethical than eating the last brownie and not cleaning the pan.

3. We actually listen to the words

When we're not complaining about poor diction, we're groaning at our friends' evasion "I just like the beat."
And we judge.

4. We sing along with instrumental tracks of make up our own harmonies

So we think One Direction would sound better with a few male voices singing different parts instead of all in unison, big deal. So I like singing along with Cake's trumpet, no sweat.

5. Digital instruments are unacceptable

Drum machine? Get a real drummer. Kenny G sound-alike? Whatever, we know it's a synthesized sax. String quartet behind your punk band? Doubt it, unplug the computer and give a real musician a job.

6. Mediocre singers with excellent poetry don't cut it

This is the reason I miss out on great artists like Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, and Bright Eyes- I can't get past the voice. Maybe that's short-sighted of me, but I'll be the first to admit that I love Dylan covers way more than the originals.

7. We have an opinion on everything and knowledge of nothing

We're the worst kinds of hipsters- we judge the layman's music to be inferior and offer him nothing that he can appreciate because we compare it to "high art." We hear certain indicators of poor musicianship like synthesizers and auto-tuned voices and we stop listening. I don't believe I've even listened to an entire Nicki Manaj song, but I know that every moment would be filled with disdain.

8. After 3 songs of ABABCB form we get bored

Song form- verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus. Easily the most widely used form in modern music. The reason Maroon 5's "Hands All Over" album wasn't that great.

9. We will not rest until we figure out that modulation/multi-meter/modal section/etc.

See piano bridge in Muse's "United States of Eurasia" (Egyptian modal scale?)

10. and this is the kicker, We mistakenly believe that we enjoy music more than others

"That's right, I know more about music, so I have a greater capacity to appreciate it." I'm going to call shenanigans and say that's not true. Yes, I hear a lot of things when I listen to music and can even understand it at a "higher" level, but I think if we were to measure endorphins produced (brain's happiness peptide) by groups who have studied music and those that haven't, I believe they would be approximately the same across the board. Who am I to say that I feel greater happiness while listening to a really awesome choir sing Whitaker than some teeny-bopper listening to some lame Kesha anthem? When it comes right down to it, we all listen to what we enjoy and I'm pretty certain that we all enjoy it the same.


  1. I agree ... Mostly ... however
    1. We listen to the whole thing and judge accordingly. Be it lame rhythmic/harmonic/ or even conceptual structure. That's what we judge.
    2. Glee is evil - vocal prowess has fallen over the years however Digital manipulation is totally legit in cases like Bernhoft or emongin heap, in those cases its about layering and innovative uses of personal music making.
    3. 100% correct unless its a song in a different language, or ... a song without words.
    4. Also true, but i think i know just as many non musicians who try to do this. at least we can have some success.
    5. Digital instruments are totally cool if they are innovative. And totally lame in any other setting.
    6. ...Yep, we might be able to "appreciate what they did for the genre,but that's basically true, vocal beauty always wins.
    7. For real! okay your post totally shows that you at least know a little about what you are talking about. The problem is really the inverse, people who don't know anything about music shoving there american Idol x factor glee garbage i our face and asking why we arent like that. The response to that is... because i actually care about what i put into the world. I prefer music that is actually quality and meaningful, innovative, and uplifting. (i can go even further o that topic)
    8. That's basically true, unless you count any jazz standard...
    9. Also basically true, although so of use have just accepted the fact that we didn't pay enough attention in pebbles form and analysis class, to understand everything that is going on.

    okay ... everybody enjoys music yes. I would hope by the shire amount of music we have experienced we have come to another level. that is why we can be music snobs. Because we remember the DOZENS of times when we had total music highs. Sure everybody has them, but its a very different experience for each person ad each genre. We are snobs for the same reasons wine snobs are wine snobs. the fact that people settle for $5 garbage wine is a shame and a waste, for money time and drink. same thing with music. My time is to valuable to waste on garbage music.

    And with that... I bid you adieu.

  2. Ha!
    Especially the Maroon 5 picture with #8! But, I would have to disagree with #2 and #5 sometimes. When you don't have them, you gotta fake them. Midi to the rescue!

  3. I love this post on so many levels, Jeph. Although I wasn't a music major, I can still appreciate and understand much of what you wrote, being a bit of a music snob myself. :)

    I just have to tell you how glad I am that I'm not the only one that has a hard time enjoying Glee! It's like all their voices got really bad plastic surgery. Ugh. My favorite line, "Sure, our technology allows us to auto-tune singers, but that doesn't make it any more ethical than eating the last brownie and not cleaning the pan."
